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Robin Konstabaris

Learn the foundations of improv in this 1.5 hour workshop with Robin Konstabaris  (Lucky Village Laugh Fight). Through fun exercises and games, participants will explore basic improv concepts like storytelling, listening, and agreement.  Space is limited to 16 participants.

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LIVE LOOPS 101-A Crash Course in Live Looping

MS. Panik

What is phrase looping? The recording of your musical ideas into a petal based recording system that plays back through your guitar amp, studio monitors, or PA system.  You can record and overdub multi-layered parts for instant live playback.  Ms. Panik will be your guide as you create a spontaneous piece of music using phrase looping. 

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Denise Malone

Ignite your inner power and deepen your flow.  Learning through breath and movement, help to strengthen your body, align your spine and add flexibility to your muscles. Perfect way to energize and get ready to dance the festival weekend. All levels welcome.  Please bring a mat.



Michael Keith

This workshop will be based around the ukulele and three string guitar but actually applicable to any strummed instrument.  Michael will discuss and play examples of numerous other instruments that he has studied and listened to in great detail from other cultures and explore how they can give fresh ideas for improvising. He will also discuss his personal approach to playing blues guitar.


"Pussy Riot"Bellydance Flash

Cathy Stoyko

This fun fusion bellydance workshop will explore a basic vocabulary of movements, technique, slow sinuous combinations, flocking exercises and working energetically as a group. We will learn a short segment of a fusion bellydance choreography inspired by Russian punk, performance artists and activists, Pussy Riot. Participants have the optional to join in the performance at the dance revue on Sunday at the Abbey. Last 10 mins of workshops Cathy will show ways to make DIY balaclavas for flashmob and/or other radical creative acts. No dance experience necessary.

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Facilitated by Jenna Materi

A chance to connect with other members of the community and have an open conversation about all things mental health.  This workshop will be a sharing circle facilitated by Jenna Materi.  Anyone is welcome to participate in the discussion or simply sit and listen. 

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Mental Health in the Music Industry

Kirsten Gilbert

Join Kristen for a panel discussion about mental health in the music industry.  While the act of making music can be very therapeutic, recent research suggests that the very nature of the music industry has the propensity to trigger mental health challenges for artists.  Join us for an exploration of the factors that threaten to erode artists’ mental health, as well as the change that is needed in order to support artists in wellness.

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How to Write Funny Songs

Shirley Gnome

Shirley Gnome will guide you through her methods and techniques of writing and performing comedy music. Learn how to identify the dynamics of set ups, punchlines, reversals of expectations, and more comedy basics as they relate to song format, melody, and rhythm. Popular comedy songs will be broken down to explain their mechanics. Come ready to listen and laugh. Bring a song of your own to workshop with the class if you wish, but not required. No musical experience or training required.

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Joanna Finch


This workshop welcomes everyone who is keen to bring naughty songs to life! Get into the juiciness of your voice, electrify your presence and develop your stage character.

The workshop is in three parts: 1) EDUCATION - a short history of Cabaret, Burlesque and Vaudeville. 2) PHYSICAL EXPRESSION- Embodiment exercises that magnetize and energize your   3) STRUT YOUR STUFF! Performances in the round. Share lyrics, songs, characters. Bring props! Be ready for fun! Take risks! This is a totally supportive and loving environment. (Madame jojo has been working as an educator, performing for 30 years in Canada, the Caribbean, China and South America. She has a panache for characterizations, song writing and Performance Art. Ongoing opportunities to work with jojo are forthcoming

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Kimberley MacGregor

In it's simplest form, enthusiastic consent is a move away from “no means no” to “yes means yes.” It's a paradigm shift that requires open communication and challenges the assumptions of our rape culture.

We love and feel passionately about our community. The aim of this event is to provide a positive opportunity to define, introduce and reinforce Enthusiastic Consent as our community standard, and hold us all accountable to this standard.

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EGAD! The Versatility of ADGAD tuning on the banjo: Melodic Banjo workshop

Lewis Melville

This workshop will review some basic principles of melodic style banjo and demonstrate the flexibility of ADGAD tuning for melodic playing in major, minor, and pentatonic modes in the keys of A G and D. ADGAD is a useful tuning for instrumentalists who play both banjo and guitar, as playing techniques and finger positions can be transferred between both instruments.  We will explore some simple and effective accompaniment and improvisation techniques for all levels of players.
Bring your banjo.


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Barefoot Caravan & Liam Dalrymple

Barefoot Caravan ( in partnership with the The Woodstove Festival are hosting a Freedom Arts Songwriting and Performance Workshop + puppet making along with a performance by the participants on Sunday, Nov. 3rd at the Masonic Hall, 2687 Dunsmuir Ave, Cumberland, BC. This is a youth workshop for ages 5-16 where participants will get to perform on a festival stage!

With the support of Barefoot Caravan, participants of all skill levels will are guided through the songwriting process as they write and perform their own songs at this year’s Woodstove Festival. We are excited to feature "Puppet Making of the Natural World" with Liam Dalrymple at this year's event teaching children how to create their own moving puppets by using collected wood/natural materials and simple tools.


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Taylor Cascanette


You are invited to come wake up your body, soothe your mind and find your breath in this calm morning class.

We will open and energize the body with mindful movements,  providing a full body release and ending with sweet relaxation. Gentle & invitational language allows space for you to decide how you would like to move. Come meet yourself where you are at! There will be no physical assists.

BONUS! There will be some yummy acoustic guitar and soft sounds playing right alongside our practice. Let’s start the day off right!  BYO Mat.

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Joanna Finch

Bring what you need to lay down comfortably during the 45 minute sound bath. Some cushions and blankets will be available. Through guided meditation, traditional and non traditional  instruments and the sound of her voice, Joanna Finch will take you into deep relaxation. Please enter in respectful silence and find a place to lay. The room will be dimly lit and serene.
(See SENSING BLISS SOUND STUDIO on Facebook for more offerings)

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YOUR VOICE: OUT LOUD (Spoken Word Workshop)

Jeremy Loveday

Poetry and spoken word are powerful forms of self expression and tools for social and political change.  Whether you are writing for yourself or with the goal of sharing on stage this workshop will help you explore your voice and your story.  Please be ready to write and share as much as you're comfortable. The workshop will be facilitated by award-winning poet and poetry slam champion Jeremy Loveday. 

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